The Psalms by H.E. Metropolitan Mor Malatius Malki | Orthodox Sermons Series

The Psalms – H.E. Metropolitan Mor Malatius Malki


In this segment, H.E. Metropolitan Mor Malatius Malki explains the importance of the Psalms for Christianity. He explains that in the earlier years, knowing the Psalms by heart was a condition for the three decrees of priesthood; for Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Upon ordination, each of these members were required to recite the Psalms by heart before ordination.

In the beginning of Christianity, St Paul says in his epistle to the Corinthians “How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” In another epistle to the Ephesians, St Paul tells us to “speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”.

H.E. Metropolitan Mor Malatius communicates that it is better to sing the word of the Psalms than the songs of the world. His eminence takes us back to the roots of the word Psalm – accordingly, the word ‘Praise’ comes from the Hebrew word ‘HALLAL’, meaning “hallelujah” which can be understood as singing to the Lord. The prime example of this is David in the Bible who sung and praised the Lord playing his instruments.

Keep watch, we will be posting more segments from this Orthodox sermon series!

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